Wednesday, September 2, 2020

An Argument Against a Presupposition Essay -- Political Science

In The American Democracy and Its National Principle, Herbert Croly makes a smooth and piercing case for receiving a nationalistic outlook. As indicated by Croly, we are quickly moving toward an intersection where we should pick between the customary qualities, measures and outlook of our past or grasp the chances of things to come. As a people we ought to understand that the future holds extraordinary guarantee, and that is the reason we should concentrate on engaging a brought together arrangement of administration that replaces the out of date way to deal with administration: local centricity whose players are driven by their personal responsibility as opposed to the benefit of all. This may seem like patriotism yet this is a lacking appraisal. To Croly, patriotism is an a lot more fantastic thing. Patriotism requires generously more than â€Å"merely† concentrating the administration; there must be a move in how individuals see themselves, from an assortment of states into a solitary American individuals. Patriotism is a philosophical perfect that far outstretches any unmistakable thing. Patriotism requires a bound together attitude concentrated on a solitary purpose of administration. Croly’s conclusion, while not progressive, was still respected with suspension by numerous individuals in 1909 (the year Croly’s article was distributed). Individuals who were careful about a nationalistic government and a brought together mood had a decent contention against Croly’s article. Quite a bit of this exposition centers around this contention against Croly’s presuppositions with respect to the â€Å"progressive† result of nationalization. Most importantly, Croly puts together everything in his contention with respect to the case that the â€Å"national interest† is predicated on popularity based standards (as refered to in Eisenach, p19). This is the reason individuals ought to have nothing to fear from a nationalistic government: I... level (Eisenach, viii). I don't accepting the contention that solidifying more force into the national government perpetually prompts progress. Simultaneously, Croly‘s contention against nostalgic authoritative opinion is very much established and illuminated. Without a doubt, there are a few intriguing focuses Croly makes about the consequences of inaction and impassion in regards to altering the constitution. Nonetheless, it was obvious to me subsequent to perusing the article that his call for progressivism had, best case scenario, a few sensible defects and, even from a pessimistic standpoint, resembled dictatorship to a disturbing degree. Works Cited Croly, H. (1909). The American Democracy and Its National Principle. (as refered to in Eisenach, p#) References to the presentation area are in roman numeralsEisenach. (2006). The Social and Political Thought of American Progressivism. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (Eisenach)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ian Lucas Essays (863 words) - DraftNoah Cronbaugh,

Ian Lucas 5/01/17 HLT 110 Courtney Dowell Last REFLECTION ESSAY From the start the main explanation I took this class was on the grounds that it was what I expected to take for my degree. My better half Rachel took this class with me since we needed to take in any event one class together on the grounds that despite the fact that we went to same secondary school we never took a class together. I figured I would fear each Tuesday and Thursday, getting up at 7 AM preparing for my 8 AM class, carpool with Rachel and tune in to the educator talk to us about our wellbeing yet I ended up being incorrectly. Courtney Dowell you are one of my preferred teachers I have had the benefit of being an understudy of, and I truly trust that you work all day sooner rather than later on the grounds that you truly merit it. You have enlivened my better half Rachel and I in what you educate and you're the main class that I figure I will ever appreciate taking promptly in the first part of the day. Your enthusiasm talks extraordinary volume, and the manner in which yo u cause everybody's contribution to feel significant without avoiding a beat genuinely talks on what sort of individual you will be, you are certainly intended to be a school teacher. So I have delighted in a significant number of our conversations, little papers, and evaluations that we did during the semester. My preferred wellbeing theme that we examined was on the various degrees of stress that we discussed around the primary couple of weeks. It was something I identified with in light of the fact that I have outrage gives that I control as well as could be expected and I utilize a portion of the adapting techniques that we learned too. I likewise particularly appreciated discussing sound and undesirable connections, it was extremely intriguing to see Jack banter with this other young lady for a decent five minutes on why ladies should leave as opposed to remaining in the injurious relationship. I genuinely thought this would have been the most exhausting class ever, however it rather was simply pack of individuals who are very unique in relation to each other that in the long run got the opportunity to cherish each other before the year's over. I realized thi s would have been where you needed to accomplish your work to pass, and study somewhat difficult for your test to pass yet I didn't realize that I would appreciate each second of it. I will miss everything about this class, I will apply all that I gained from pressure the board, ways on sparing the earth, methods of forestalling of STI's, improving my profound wellbeing, checking the food I'm eating, and defining objectives for myself. A venture that I figure you ought to consider is have the class archive they're venture on defining solid objectives for themselves and them proceeding with it, and have it be a 2-3 page paper. It would likewise be cool on the off chance that you give the understudies an alternative to introduce their excursion of accomplishing their set objectives since it won't just cause the understudies to feel great about themselves however it will make the understudies carry on with a more beneficial way of life. I accept the Ideas of Personal and Community Health ought to be general training course since it is something that I feel everybody needs to know in their life. This course goes more inside and out in wellbeing than any of our wellbeing classes in secondary school, center school, or primary school. Understudies need to know the significance of checking our sustenance, taking our wellbeing appraisal and defining objectives to improve in specific parts of their life. Taking this class mo st unquestionably has made me fully aware of how I'm carrying on with my life, it was an enormous reminder, it something that each understudies has the right to know, how to carry on with our life solid, and profitably. To sum up the whole semester it began with an ungainly constrained hi to each cohort making proper acquaintance with everybody with an immense grin when strolling into class. To being lethargic all through the morning, to being full vitality and loaded up with questions that we so frantically needed to ask Professor Dowell. I think everything changed due to the energy we

Friday, August 21, 2020

Research Paper on Classic English Literature

Research Paper on Classic English Literature Research Paper on Classic English Literature Test Research Paper on The Great Gatsby: Presentation The story starts with Nick Carraway getting a house in Long island in a spot called West egg. He was a researcher and had been taught at the Yale University. During the First World War, Nick found a new line of work in France and, this is the point at which he ventured to the far corners of the planet. Scratch was not happy with the existence that he lived. In this manner, he chose to move to the unassuming community and start once more. During a visit to her cousin Daisy, Nick finds out about the name of his neighbor, notable for tossing parties constantly. The neighbor, Jay Gatsby is a rich man who lives in a major chateau. Scratch discovers that Jay was a bygone era love of her cousin Daisy. The two met five years prior and turned out to be very personal companions. At the point when Jay proposed to Daisy, she wouldn't wed him since he was not rich and, he needed to proceed to work far away for an extensive stretch (Bloom, 72). Daisy rather wedded a youngster from a complex family who had such a lot of cash. Jay was harmed by daisy since she would not wed him since he was poor. He worked indefatigably and inevitably turned into a rich man. He at that point purchased a house close to the conjugal home of Daisy in an offer to revive the adoration they once had. Scratch unites the two when he welcomes them two to his home. Daisy prefers the new Jay and the affection they once shared returns to life. Daisy doesn't feel remorseful that she is has extra conjugal undertakings. This is on the grounds that she knew the extra conjugal issue that her better half had with the spouse of a gas station proprietor. Daisy and Jay hobnob and this raises the doubt of her better half. Jay didn't appear to mind whether she was hitched. To him, Daisy as his significant other and all the years that he was away, Daisy engaged in extramarital relations with Tom. He accepts that she is his better half so much that he disclosed to her he had excused her for engaging in extramarital relations. Tom storms into a room in New York where Daisy and Jay were. In the extraordinary contention, he uncovered the illicit dealings that Jay has that made him rich. Daisy and Jay drive away from Tom and on their approach to Long Island they hit the admirer of Tom (Luthbury, 140). She was fleeing from her better half who had secured her. Reality with regards to Jay injured the relationship they had with daisy. Be that as it may, he despite everything accepted that he could win her back. The spouse of the special lady of Tom shot and slaughtered Jay accepting that he was the person who executed her. During his entombment function, Nick is irritated on the grounds that not all the individuals who called themselves companions of Jay and even celebrated with him showed up for his internment. The play can be in three sections. The initial segment is when Daisy and Jay meet. The two become close and experience passionate feelings for after some time (Bloom, Pp. 67). At the point when Jay poses the inquiry that he clearly knows would be addressed decidedly, he gets a huge stun. Daisy will not wed him since he is a poor man. Another explanation that Daisy gave Jay for denying his proposition is that he is in the military. Subsequently, he would be sent far away, and she was unable to see him for a horrendous long time. Daisy at that point weds a rich man who is from a refined family. Despite the fact that he was bad to her and treated her gravely. This demonstrated how Daisy was ravenous for cash. She was so quick to leave a man that she had come to know since he was not rich. He was unable to give her all the things that cash could purchase. She rather tossed herself to a rich man for his cash. His character and character didn't make a difference a great deal to daisy. The second piece of the play is during the period which Jay and Daisy revive their adoration. Jay went to boundaries to attempt to fulfill Daisy. This is on the grounds that he began unlawful dealings with the goal that he might get rich and purchase a house close to the conjugal home of Daisy. He is edgy to such an extent that he calls for parties from time to time to get the consideration of his lost love. At the point when they meet in the place of Nick, Daisy is dazzled due to the cash Jay has. She at that point begins an extramarital undertaking with Jay (Fitzgerald, 200). She supports herself that even her significant other is has a relationship with another lady. Jay even quits calling individuals to party at his home when he at last discovers that Daisy hates separating. The affection between the two closures when Tom gets them in a room and uncovered the messy dealings of Jay. There is an extreme contention and numerous individuals who were their companions observer the enco unter. Daisy doesn't need anything to do with Jay. After all the endeavors that Jay had put to satisfy her, she dismissed him so quick. He had even imperiled his life through the illicit dealings, however Daisy didn't think about that. The third piece of the novel is when things deteriorate to most noticeably terrible as a result of the issue of Jay and Daisy. At the point when they leave the inn, Daisy who is driving the vehicle of Jay inadvertently hits the special lady of her significant other. The spouse of the special lady, Wilson, had educated of her illicit relationship with Tom and bolted his better half inside. Daisy doesn't stop when she hits the special lady however keeps on driving. Wilson, who is the proprietor of a gas station is exceptionally harmed and looks to murder Jay. He had expected that he was the person who slaughtered his better half. Tom looking for vengeance had affirmed that in fact Jay had slaughtered her. He at long last murders Jay when he discovers him in his pool. He shoots him in the head and ends it all. The quantity of individuals at the burial service of Jay is exceptionally little. This is against the quantity of individuals that went to his gatherings and professed to be his o ld buddies. His folks ventured out significant distances to come and cover their child. It could have been exceptional on the off chance that he had given more consideration to his family than attempting to charm a lost love. Scratch is the individual who saw the unfurling of the occasions. He is the person who caused the two get to together, and it is from that point that they reunite and start an undertaking. Scratch who is the cousin of Daisy considers this to be inconvenience and quits being dear companions with the two individuals. He realized that lone terrible things would originate from having the illicit relationship. Hence, he turns out to be close with Jordan Baker who knew Daisy for quite a while. At the point when Daisy slaughtered the spouse of Wilson, her significant other accepted that it was Jay. He even affirmed to Wilson that without a doubt Jay had executed his significant other. Tom had additionally uncovered the unlawful dealings of Jay to Daisy. He guaranteed that he had pulverized Jay. Scratch was troubled when he learned of this. He was not satisfied that this chaos had happened in light of the fact that Jay needed her cousin back. Scratch changed totally after the burial service of Jay. He saw that not all the companions of Jay were there (Maurer, 45). The individuals who went to his burial service were very few. This was distinctive to the quantity of individuals who went to the gatherings that Jay had and professed to be his companions. Scratch understood that all the endeavors that Jay put to intrigue Daisy were an exercise in futility. The life of Jay finished so quick since he was fixated on his past sweetheart. He let Daisy drag him to his demise. Scratch changed his character totally and even quit being companions with Jordan. Later on, he returns back home. He is the character who united Jay and Daisy by welcoming the two into his home. This shows he bolstered the connection among Jay and Daisy. Simultaneously, he isn't content with the result of the occasions and wouldn't like to be engaged with their embarrassments (Fitzgerald, Pp 120). At long last, he removes all channels with them and gets back. Treachery is an ongoing thing in the novel. This is on the grounds that there is more than one life partner undermining their accomplice in the story. Wilson was undermining his significant other. The spouse of Wilson was additionally undermining her better half with Tom (Bloom, Pp. 67). Daisy was undermining her significant other with Jay. The creator may have utilized this topic to show the sexual freedom that individuals had after the First World War. He attempts to show how individuals utilized the opportunity to manhandle relationships. Numerous individuals in America occupied with shameless practices that were not satisfactory before the First World War. As they continued looking for another America they confused extramarital perversion with satisfaction and delight. Through the tale of Daisy, he shows how a few ladies could acknowledge to wed any man that had a great deal of cash and was from a decent foundation. The individuals who went to the gatherings that Jay likewise dem onstrated maltreatment of sexuality opportunity. This is on the grounds that the creator says that the individuals who went to the gathering left the gathering with an alternate individual from the one they were with when they came. Notwithstanding, the affection that Jay attempted to revive with Daisy can't be seen as manhandling sexual autonomy. This is on the grounds that Jay accepted that he had quite recently hitched her and that she had been hanging tight for him this years. The marriage that Daisy has with Tom didn't exist in the realm of Jay. He accepted that Daisy was going behind his back with Tom and Jay pardoned her for that. The distribution of the novel affected numerous individuals in light of the fact that separated from discussing the sentimental story of the adoration that Jay had for Daisy, the creator has a basic message. The creator discussed the various issues that individuals were looking at that point. He depicts the spoiled ethics that individuals had in the mid twentieth century (Bloom, 45). He depicts this by discussing ravenousness and the wild journey of fixations. The creator shows how individuals confounded the American Dream by pursuing common wealth and joy as opposed to searching for the great beliefs of the American dream. After the First World War, individuals saw life as progressively troublesome, and everybody was battling to get rich. The testimonial development prompted more wrongdoing and unlawful organizations in the United States. The creator portrays these harsh occasions and changes in his characters. Meyer who managed illicit organizations represents the time after the testimonial development when unlawful organizations developed (Fitzgerald, Pp 94). The battles to fit in the new America are delineated by the tales of Jay and Nick. They

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Using Financial Planning To Manage Financial Resources Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of the companys financial resources. The basis for financial planning, analysis and decision making is the financial information. Financial information is needed to predict compare and evaluate the companys earning ability. It is also required to recognize in economic decision making investment and financial decision making. Financial analysis is the process of identifying the financial weaknesses and strengths of the by properly establishing relationships between the item of the profit and loss account and balance sheet . Financial Statements are primary need for decision making. They play a key role in setting the framework of managerial decision makings. financial management is very important to every firm. Financial management take the decision about the firm accounts and financial position ,and they should follow the local government financial policies. the objective of affirm should be to create value for its stockholders, value is represented by the market price of firm. the company should be concentrates on profit maximization. Financial manager is follow with determining the best financing system or structure. Financial management is analyze the yearly financial position of the firm . And fi nancial managers take the major decisions on the firm economical position. objectives of the study: The main objectives of the study are to evaluate financial performance of M.G FABRICATIONS. Analysis the financial performance of M.G FABRICATIONS financial position. To know the changes occurring in economic resources and obligations. Analyze the three years financial position Determine the economical recourses of the company Use the founds in proper way Analyze the company economic position and performance Interpret the financial statement , planning and decision king scope of the study: The study represented to the analysis the different types of accounts in the company. Company incomes ,expenses, profit and loss also studied in this analysis. What is the significant role in company ,which dessions are taken in the form about the financial development also need to company development. methodology used in the study : Methodology is a systematic procedure of collecting information in order to analyze and verify a phenomenon. The collection of information is done two principles. They are as follows: Primary Data Secondary Data Primary Data: Primary data is the information collected directly without any references. In this study it was mainly through interviews with concerned officers and staffs either individually or collectively some of the information had been verified or supplemented with personal observations. The data includes Conducting personal interviews with the officers of the financial department. Guidelines and necessary information taken from my guide. By using primary methods to collect the primary information or data. observation method Survey method Interview method. Secondary Data: It was collected from already published books. This includes magazines and other internal records. The data includes: By referring to the books in the company. By collecting data fr om the websites. By collecting data from company annual reports. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be way to systematically solve studying how research is done scientifically, in it we study various steps that are generally adopted by a research in studying, but also methodology. limitations of the study: Though financial statement are relevant and useful for me concern, still they do not present a financial picture of the concern. The utility of there statements is dependent upon a number of factors. The case is limited to only by following:- The study is mainly based restricted to only three years. While computing ratios, averages and percentages the figures are appropriated to two decimal places. Therefore some times the total may not exactly tally. Only ratio analysis has been taken for the study of a tool of financial analysis and no other techniques is used. Assuming of the results of financial performanc e. Analysis is subjected to the accuracy of the data collected from the annual reports of MG Fabrications. The study is based on the historical data. Therefore it may not be future indicators. PROFILE OF MG FABRICATIONS: MG Fabrications is a private corporate company, It has number of branches in the is US based company,categorized under fabric manufactures and located in North Syracuse, it was established in 1996 and incorporated in Newyark ,current estimated show this company has an annual revenue of 380,000,employs a staff of approximately 5, Statement of Comprehensive Income 2008 2009 2010 Â £ Â £ Â £ Total sales 26006.8202 40960.742 56564.83 Less: cost of sales 20805.4561 34133.951 48112.62 Gross profit 5,201 6,827 8,452 Less: expenses 2600.68202 3250.8525 3901.023 Less: loan interest 0 0 6960.118 Net profit 2,601 3,576 -2,409 ======== ======== ======== Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31 March: 2008 2009 2010 Â £ Â £ Â £ Fixed assets 61945 64729 70297 Current assets: Inventory 17400 34801 69601 Accounts Receivable 34801 73081 167043 Cash at bank 12345 18705 14208 Current Liabilities: due in less than 1 year Trade accounts payable 38977 77953 115538 Bank overdraft 0 0 0 Non-Current Liabilities: due in more than 1 year Loan 0 0 69601 87514 113362 136010 ======== ======== ======== Equity Capital Capital brought forward 69601 87514 113362 Add: profit for year 2601 3576 -2409 Less: dividends 15312 22272 25056 Capital carried forward 87514 113362 136010 ======== ======== ======== interpretation: From the above analysis it is observed that during the year 2008, there has total sales 26006.8202. Total sales has been an increase in during the year2009 upto 37695.92 i.e., 15.75%,and the next year(2010) also total sales has been increased upto 15604.088 i.e 13.80 Cost of sales has been increased from 2008-2010 Less the cost of sales from sales for find gross profit Gross profit=sales cost of sales From the above analysis Gross profit has been increased in 2008-2009(1626 i.e. %13.12) and also increased Gross profit in 2009-2010(1625 i.e. %12.38). And less the expenses and loan interest to get the Net profit In 2010 the expences and loan of interst has been increased during the year 2010 so the netprofit has been dec resed The above Statement of Comprehensive Income Net profit has been increased In2008-2009( i.e975. %13.75) In 2010 therese is net profit it gain only loss i.e 2,409 In the statement of Assets and Liabilities, fixed assets increased in year by year The current assets and fixed assets increase in 2008-2009(2784) and 2009-2010(5568) the percentage of fixed assets are increased . The current liabilities increased to 38976 i.e., 19.99%. In 2008-2009,the liabilities in 2009-2010 has been increased to 37585 i,e14.82 No non-current liabilities in 2008 and 2009. In the above assets and liabilities statement in2010 there is no impressive d evelopment in firm Dividends are increased from 2008-2009 (6960 i.e. %14.54) and 2009-2010(2784 i.e. 11.25) here also the percentage of dividends decreased. The overall financial position of the firm is not satisfactory but in 2010 not good result . GROSS PROFIT MARGIN=(GROSSPROFIT/SALES)*100 YEAR GPM 2008 19.99 2009 16.99 2010 14.94 The gross profit margin is decrease 2008-2010 Ratio Analysis: Current ratio year current assets current liabilities current ratio 2008 64536 38977 1.655745696 2009 126587 77953 1.62388752 2010 250852 115538 2.771164465 1 conclusion In the 2008 current ratio is 1.655745696,in 2009 current ratio is1.62388752 So, the current ratio has been decreased from 2008 to 2009 Current ratio has been increased in 2010 i.e 2.77116445 Current assets has been increased in all years, as well as current liabilities also increased But net lass has been there in 2010 compan y should be concentrate on profit maximization company has been perform well BIbilographyreferance IM .panday;financial management;tata McGraw Hill;6th James c. Vanhorne; financial management policy;PHI;12th edition RP.Travedi;financial accounting;springer ;7th Accounting for non-specialists;Michael Jones;John Wiley sons;

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Animal Rights Comparing the Views of Hasselstrom and...

Anna Katherine Giddens Laura Vernon EN 1103-39 24 October 2011 Animal Rights: Comparing the Views of Hasselstrom and Regan Imagine an animal’s feeling of panic and fear as it is about to be killed by a hunter or the isolation experienced as an animal sits in a laboratory, separated from its family and natural habitat, waiting to be harmed by harsh testing methods. Imagine the frightened state of a mother or father watching their innocent baby being captured. After considering the brutality towards animals in these scenarios, take into consideration the health benefits humans receive from different parts of these animals. Imagine health risks avoided through testing on animals first instead of on humans. Does human benefit justify†¦show more content†¦Regan presents a few cases such as those of rabbits, whales, and gibbons physically violated or murdered so that human beings can acquire unessential products. For instance, rabbits are used in cosmetic testing labs where they are held captive, lose their vision, and occasionally die . Rabbits do not have tear ducts so they are used to test harmful products that they cannot flush out of their eyes. Many of these products will result in the destruction of the iris or cornea as well as swelling, redness, or blindness in the eyes. Along with rabbits, whales are also being harmed and killed for unnecessary reasons; they are hunted so that wax, perfume, and soap can be made. Another scenario given by Regan is the hunting of baby gibbons for veal. The difference between the killing of gibbons and the killing of cattle for meat or hide has to do with the method in which they are being killed. Regan makes it very clear that the methods that these animals are killed by are cruel and wrong, whereas Hasselstrom ensures us that, in her case, the cattle she raises are well taken care of and not treated with cruelty. In â€Å"Animal Rights, Human Wrongs,† Regan states that when baby gibbons are captured, their mothers are often killed in the process. After being separated from their mothers at a very young age, the young gibbons are held captive under harsh living conditions. Many die from suffering in their small, dark cells on wooden floors while waiting to be slaughtered. He then

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Trail Of Tears Essay Example For Students

The Trail Of Tears Essay The Trail Of Tears Essay, was it unjust and inhumane? What happened to the Cherokee during that long and treacherous journey? They were brave and listened to the government, but they recieved unproductive land and lost their tribal land. The white settlers were already emigrating to the Union, or America. The East coast was burdened with new settlers and becoming vastly populated. President Andrew Jackson and the government had to find a way to move people to the West to make room. President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Policy in the year 1830. The Indian Removal Policy which called for the removal of Native Americans from the Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia area, also moved their capital Echota in Tennessee to the new capital call New Echota, Georgia and then eventually to the Indian Territory. The Indian Territory was declared in the Act of Congress in 1830 with the Indian Removal Policy. Elias Boudinot, Major Ridge, and John Ridge and there corps accepted the responsibility for the removal of one of the largest tribes in the Southeast that were the earliest to adapt to European ways. There was a war involving the Cherokee and the Chickasaw before the Indian Removal Policy was passed. The Cherokee were defeated by them which caused Chief Dragging Canoe to sign a treaty in 1777 to split up their tribe and have the portion of the tribe in Chattanooga, Tennessee called the Chickamauga. Its the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson is mounting up forces against the Pro-British faction of the Creek Indians. The United States appealed for Cherokee support for aid in war against Tukumsa and another Indian known as Red Sticks. The Cherokee Nation replied with six to eight hundred of their best warriors. It was this war were the Indians fought side by side with Jackson. After a treaty in 1814 was forced on the Creek Indians, the Cherokees filed claims for there lose. There was no promise that their claims would be acknowledged. This would bring on the biggest betrayal on the Cherokee Indians, Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson demanded the session of twenty-three million acres of land to the United States. The Cherokee Nation, however, owned Four million acres of this land. The Cherokees protested again to Indian agent Jonathan Meigs in the War Department. Once again their former ally called these claims Cherokee intrigue. Andrew Jackson then suggested with troops already in the field that this would be the perfect time to remove Cherokees as well as Creeks out of Tennessee. The Indian Removal Act was introduced by Andrew Jackson and was passed by Congress in 1830. This act was to force the Indians west of the Mississippi River. This was largely carried out by General Winfield Scott and his army of approximantly seven thousand troops, in May of 1838. When the army arrived in New Echota Georgia thousand of Cherokee Indians would be rounded up with dragnets and penned up in wooden stockades. By June 5, 1838 it was estimated that only 200 Cherokee had escaped. There were between fifteen to seventeen thousand Cherokee held in these crude jails, where they would await their long brutal journey west. This route from Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and finally ending in Oklahoma, would later be referred by Cherokees as Nunna-da-ul-tsun-yi, or the trail on which they Cried. The journey on which the Indians traveled would bring many deaths due to starvation, droughts and disease. There were two main ways of travel, by land and river. River travel was difficult if not impossible because low river levels due to the drought. All in all it took 645 wagons, 5000 horses and oxen and river vessels used primarily for the ill. Grant Foreman, Dean of Indian Historians, recorded this appalling period. He stated that the weather was extremely hot, there was a drought, and water was scarce and there were suffocating clouds of dust mixed with the oxygen. He also stated that at least three but, up to five people died per day on the trail. By the end of June 1838 two to three hundred Indians were sick. On June 17, 1838 General Charles Floyd of the Georgia militia wrote to Governor Gilmen of New Echota that they were convinced that there were no longer any Cherokee in Georgia. This would hold true that they succeeded in removing the Cherokee from the state, but not completely from the east. This would bring on a great supporter of the Cherokee people, a white man by the name of John Ross. .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .postImageUrl , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:hover , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:visited , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:active { border:0!important; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:active , .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2 .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0767dea7c643c5b6dc70da3aa501dae2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Fed and Interest Rates Dave Pettit of The Wall EssayJohn Ross campaigned heavily for the Cherokees. Ross was part of the immigration management committee. Ross persuaded General Scott to approve a budget for the captive Indians of Seventeen cents per Indian per day. This was double the amount figured by congress. This money was .

Sunday, April 19, 2020

What is Discipleship Essay Example

What is Discipleship Essay When most people hear the word disciple, they immediately think of the twelve disciples of Jesus, which is, in a way, correct. A disciple is someone who follows another, Jesus in this case, physically and spiritually. I think there are five factors that are crucial to be a true disciple and in through these discipleship can be summed up; to heal, to teach, to preach, to believe and to serve. Jesus called his first four disciples one day when he was walking by Galilee. He saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and he said to them: Come with me and I will make you fishers of men. Simon Peter and Andrew immediately left their boats and followed him. Later on he saw James and John by the lake also and told them to follow him too and they did so. The calling of the first four disciples shows straight away that Jesus had not come for those who were highest in society or those who had the most authority, but for everyone. Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John were only simple fishermen and yet Jesus has chosen them as his disciples to give up what they had to follow him. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Next came the call of Levi. Levi was a tax gatherer. Tax gatherers were generally seen as dishonest and were disliked by society but still Jesus called him to be a disciple and Levi got up and followed him. This shows that Jesus was willing to forgive those who wanted forgiveness and that we would exclude nobody if they were willing to repent of their sins. One day, Jesus sent the twelve disciples out on a mission to preach and to heal, and he gave them authority over evil spirits. This mission is a good example of the disciples healing others. Their healings of others showed their faith, because they could not have healed without faith. By giving them such a responsibility this also showed that Jesus had faith in them. They followed Jesus instructions and by healing all those that asked to be healed. Jesus taught that to be a true disciple, you have to make sacrifices. This is displayed in the Bible when a rich man asks Jesus what he must do to win eternal life and Jesus tells him he must sell everything he has and give to the poor before he can have riches in heaven. At this the rich mans face falls. The rich man could never be a true disciple as although he was a good person he would always worry about his money more than God. Discipleship is all about priorities. Jesus taught that to become a disciple you must make yourself last and servant of all and God should be your first priority. You should always honour and respect God, and be obedient and respond to his call. You should put nothing else before God. This links on to the aspect of serving. To be a disciple, you must serve God not only directly but also indirectly by serving other. Jesus says in the Bible: Anything you do for one of these men here, you do for me. He was trying to show that helping other people and putting them before you plays an important part in serving God. This can sometimes be extremely hard. For example, if you were with one other person in a sinking boat and there is one life jacket, a disciple should offer it to the other person. As Jesus said, the last person in earth will be the first in the Kingdom of God. To be first in heaven you need to put everyone else before you on earth. Another large part of discipleship is obviously faith, as you cannot follow someone unless you have faith in them. Sometimes, the first twelve disciples faith in Jesus wavered, for example, when they were fishing and a huge storm arose. Jesus was asleep in the boat so they woke him, frightened of what might happen as the storm was so strong. Jesus told the storm to be still and asked the disciples Have you still no faith?. The disciples had not thought as Jesus wanted them to. If their faith in Jesus was really as deep as they thought it was, they would not have worried and would have realised that Jesus would not have let the storm harm them. This shows that they had not fully realised who Jesus was. Faith is important, because it comes from the inside and it cannot be shown wholly in actions. Whether you have faith is a more personal, individual feeling and its something you have to confirm in yourself to be a true disciple. Once you have faith and understanding, you should follow by preaching to others and teaching them of your faith. The way that Christianity spread was through preaching and a disciple should preach what they follow in order to spread their faith. A true disciple would truly want to spread the word of what they believe and to turn others to their faith. The Gospels are full of teachings on these things. Jesus shows in many ways eg. Through parables, how true disciples of God should act and what they should truly believe . They should always be prepared to follow Jesus in thought, word and deed. Evaluation In some ways, it is a lot harder to be a true disciple in the modern world, but I do think it is possible. An obvious way in which it was harder for the first Christians was that it was illegal then, so they faced not only persecution but also often torture or death. This does still sometimes happen in a few countries across the world, but in most parts of the world, Christianity is widely accepted. Nowadays in the Western World, although Christianity is not outlawed, Christians can still be emotionally hurt by people laughing at them for their beliefs or persecuting them for their faith. For example, if there was a Christian person amongst a group of non-Christian friends, it could be hard for them to keep following their faith because of pressure from their friends. Another problem a person may have trying to be a true disciple in todays world is, like the rich man, getting his or her priorities right. We live in a materialistic, consumer-orientated world, where most are obsessed with material objects and luxuries. With so much commercialism surrounding us it is hard for a disciple to remember that serving God should always be put first and foremost. This should be prioritised over clothes, money and work. As possessions and material objects seem so important today, it would be hard to give it all up in order to follow your faith. Still, through the difficulties they face, I think if a person really believes they want to stay a true disciple, its not impossible. Many of the controversial issues around today were indeed still relevant for the first Christians. They were too persecuted and faced with temptation . However, today Christians have Jesus teachings in the New Testament, and those who are truly dedicated Christians should be able to use this at times of weakness for guidance and support. Those who are willing still should be able to follow Jesus in todays world and be a true disciple. What is Discipleship Essay Example What is Discipleship? Essay The word disciple means, follower or adherent of any leader of thought, art or conduct. In Christianity it means to follow the teachings and beliefs of Jesus Christ. It is a challenging way of life to be a disciple and you must be willing to devote your mind, strength and soul to God. There are three main stages a disciple must go through, called sacraments of initiation. These are Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. These sacraments are sacred rituals, which a person must go through to become a disciple. Christians believe God is especially present during a sacrament. When a Christian wants to become a disciple he starts off at the first stage, Baptism. This usually takes place when the Christian is a young baby. He is washed with holy water as a symbol of his/her original sin being washed away. Catholic parents and godparents make the baptismal vows on behalf of their children soon after they are born and promise to bring up the child in their faith. At Baptism the child is being introduced into the church and Gods family. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What is Discipleship? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second stage is Confirmation. At Pentecost the disciples received a special gift from God to enable them to go out and preach His Word and at confirmation the candidate receives a special gift from God. During Confirmation, unlike Baptism, the person is able to make his own decision whether he wishes to continue with the Christian way of life. The person confirms the baptismal vows, which were made on his behalf by his parents and godparents. This is where he decides that he wants to become a member of the Church. The bishop confirms the process of initiation into the church, which was begun at Baptism. The third stage to discipleship is Eucharist. This is believed by some to be the most important sacrament because it re-enacts the last supper. The person confesses their sins and is forgiven by God. They receive the body and blood of Christ, which are symbolised by bread and wine; this brings the spirit of God closer to the people and delivers the message of God. The Commission Go out to peoples everywhere and baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 16v15 After the person has completed these three sacraments of initiation they have three ways of fulfilling their vocation. They can become a member of the lay ministry, part of a religious congregation or become a member of an ordained ministry, all three of which I will explain in detail. You dont have to be a priest or a bishop to be a disciple. If you believe and follow in the teachings of Jesus Christ then you can serve as a layperson. Lay Ministry A person can become part of the lay ministry by being baptised and becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. Lay people can love and serve God just a much as a priest or Bishop. They express their love for God in prayer and service to others and feel they have a responsibility to repay God through helping others. Lay people explain the principles, which Christ taught in different ways. They help the Bishops and Priests and assist them at mass. At our school the children and teachers help the priests by reading and taking up the offertory gifts. Some people teach for example at Sunday school or Bible groups and others do missionary work Christians have travelled all over the world spreading the word of God They offer their skills and talents to help others in everyday life. We see this in everyday life, particularly in hospitals and schools where many people have chosen to work so that they can help other people. One of the vicars at St Jamess Church in Weybridge gave up a lucrative job in the City of London to train, as a vicar because he felt it was a more worthwhile way of life. Lay people are called to defend Christs teaching through Hope, Prayer, Faith and Love They stand up and defend the church against all those who oppose it, All who are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of them on the last day. Mark 8v34-38 Many early Christians were martyred for their beliefs and even today in some parts of the world people are prosecuted for spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Afghanistan the Taliban have imprisoned aide workers whom they suspect have been preaching Christianity. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Mark 12v33-34 Lay people help those in need by providing houses for the homeless and helping those with alcohol or drug problems. For example members of the Salvation Army have provided warmth, shelter and food for the homeless for many years. In my own area members of the congregation of the Wey Christian Fellowship have been helping street children in South America. If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest, and if one of you wants to be first he must be your slave. Matthew 20v24-28 Lay people dont help the rich or those who dont need their help. They help the ones who are in trouble and need their company. Jesus set an example of this. People who are well dont need a doctor, but only those who are sick. I have not come to all respectable people to repent, but outcasts. They obey the churchs rules and teachings. Teach them everything I have commanded you, and I will be with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28v20 They are to be kind, generous and good Christians. Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you. Lay people support the priest by prayer, helping at communion and reading at mass, they can also cooperate in presenting the word of God to the parish by instructing others or by joining one of the organisations connected to the church. Lay people can also help within the church by contributing any special skills they may have for example a trained accountant could help with the church accounts and a builder could help with church repairs. Mrs Kenny, a teacher at the junior school uses her experience with children to run a youth club at the local church. Other people can help members of the church by sharing their problems with them. I asked my father, a member of our local church, How do you contribute to your church and fulfil your vocation? he answered, I try to fulfil my vocation by following Christian teachings in all aspects of my life, and helping those less fortunate then myself. I also asked my sister how she has contributed to a Christian way of life and she said, This year I accompanied a group of disabled men and women on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. This is an example of a person who isnt a priest or a bishop but is playing a role of a layperson in the church. Bring the good news to the poor. Luke 4v8 CAFOD are an example of people voluntarily going out to poor countries and providing relief for the people living there. CAFOD make a link between the continents of Asia Africa and Latin America and the people who wish to help then back at home. Some of the works CAFOD do are: Community development Food production Water supplies and irrigation Penetrative medicine Vocational training Adult education CAFOD operate because it believes all people should be equal in the sight of God. They also believe that human dignity demands a reasonable standard of living and people all need basic food, housing, education and clothing. Lay people use the beatitudes as a guideline to reach discipleship and to become closer to God: Happy are the poor in spirit. Matthew 5v3 Lay people dont show off that they are holy, they are discreet but God knows they are true believers. Happy are those who mourn Matthew 5v4 Lay people mourn for others and show respect to the friends and family of those who have died. Happy are those who are humble. Matthew 5v5 Lay people put others before them selves and dont aim to be great and powerful. Happy are the merciful. Matthew 5v7 Lay people are merciful to others and forgive anyone who they have fallen out with. Happy are those who are pure in heart. Matthew 5v8 Lay people should be true believers, they shouldnt pretends, if they do believe in Christ then God will reward them. Happy are those who work for peace. Matthew 5v9 Lay people spread peace in the world and try to prevent violence and corruption. Happy for those who are prosecuted for doing what God requires. Matthew 5v10 If you are sent to prison or in trouble for doing what God wants then you are a true lay person and God will reward you in Heaven. Lay people have a duty to serve others and to help those in need. They must stand up for the church and what God taught them. For example Mother Teresa spent her whole life helping people in India because she knew what she was doing was right. People like Mother Teresa are examples for all people. Although mother Teresa was a member of a religious order, she is an example to all Lay People. Love your God. Lay people follow this by using their talents to love and help everyone around them Ordained ministries To join your ordained ministry is another way to serve as a Christian disciple. A lot of thought must be given before someone decides to join the ordained ministry because it involves a lifetime of devotion to God, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men, Matthew 4v19 Like the disciples many sacrifices have to be made to become a member of the ordained ministry, you must not have any sexual relationships or get married. This is because being in the ordained ministry requires total love for God and members can put all their energy into doing Gods work. The first stage is when a man becomes a deacon. Deacons appear in close association with bishops. As the deaconate developed in the early Church, the deacon became the bishops assistant, responsible only to him and ordained by him alone. He embodies or represents the servant ministry of Christ. In the Roman Catholic tradition, the liturgical functions of the deacon involve helping or serving the celebrant. The next step is to become a priest. The priest is especially consecrated to the service of a God and through who worship and prayer is offered to God. In the Roman Catholic Church the priest is a member of the sacerdotal ministry. The priest has the power to celebrate Mass and to administer the sacraments, except holy orders (reserved for the bishop), matrimony (administered to one another by the couple and witnessed by the priest), and confirmation (usually performed by a bishop). The next step for some is to become a bishop In the Roman, a bishop is an ecclesiastic who, through sacramental consecration, holds special powers of the ministry as well as special administrative prerogatives. Consecration to the order of bishop is usually performed by three bishops (one of them a metropolitan), this number having been customary from post apostolic times. The bishop is supreme ecclesiastical ruler of the diocese over which he presides. He is responsible for the spiritual welfare of all the faithful, both clergy and laity, and for the government of all ecclesiastical institutions within his diocese. He has the power to ordain bishops, priests, and deacons. He is the ordinary minister of the sacrament of confirmation. The next step is to become an archbishop. Archbishop have jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical province. He superintends certain activities of the other bishops in his province and also exercises Episcopal authority in his own diocese. In the Roman Catholic Church, archbishops occupy certain important sees and enjoy limited provincial authority The next step is to become a cardinal. The cardinals are appointed by the pope and constitute the Sacred College. The pope is not obliged to consult them, but does so as a matter of course. Their number has varied at different times; in 1586 Pope Sixtus V fixed it at 70. The cardinals are chief members of the Sacred Congregations of the papal government. They meet in consistory, or assembly, over which the pope presides. Cardinals are limited in their duties according to age; like other high prelates, they are expected to retire at the age of 75 from administrative duties. At 80 they are no longer permitted to serve as papal electors. The next step is to become a pope, Pope, in Latin, papa, from the Greek pappas, meaning father, a Christian Besides the designation pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Church also holds these titles: vicar of Christ; successor of St Peter; supreme pontiff of the universal Church; patriarch of the West; primate of Italy; archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman province; sovereign of the State of Vatican City; and servant of the servants of God. Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires. Matthew 5v10 People in the ordained ministry help others in the church and out of the church by standing up and defending the church and listening and acting out everything God wanted us to do. Religious Orders Another way of serving as a disciple is by joining a religious order or congregation. There are two types of religious orders, Apostolic and Contemplative. Joining either of these orders requires total devotion to God and confinement. Living a life of celibacy is hard for the brothers and sisters but they believe that they will be rewarded in heaven, Happy are those who are pure in heart, they will see God. Matthew 5v8 Religious orders are consecrated to three vows; these are poverty, chastity and obedience. Poverty means to have the bare minimum and live like Jesus did. An example of this is the rich young man, You must give up all of your possessions and follow me, This story tells us not to be corrupt with money and possessions. Chastity means not to have a sexual relationship with anyone. This is so people can focus on following God. An example of this is when Jesus said, Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men, Matthew 4v19 The disciples left their families and homes to follow Jesus. Obedience means to obey priests, bishops and the pope. An example of this is in the commission, Teach them to obey everything I have taught you. This tells us to obey Gods teachings and all who work for God. Apostolic orders are the first type of religious orders. They live a life of voluntary community work. They tend the sick and old and care for the homeless. You should send for the church elders, who will pray for them and rub olive oil on them in the name of the lord. This is an inspiration to apostolic orders to heal the sick and is the reason for the sacrament, anointing of the sick. Examples of apostolic orders are Notre Dame, Brothers of the Christian Schools and mother Teresa. Brothers of the Christian Schools, religious community, commonly called Christian Brothers, established by the French educator St John Baptist de la Salle, at Reims in 1680 and sanctioned by Pope Benedict XIII in 1725. The brothers take the religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, plus two vows peculiar to their institute: service to the poor through education and fidelity to their institute. They do not, however, enter holy orders. In the mid-1980s community residences numbered more than 1,250 throughout the world. About 10,000 brothers taught approximately 800,000 pupils. Contemplative orders are the second type of religious orders. Their lives are a journey to God in prayer and worship in solitude, silence and community. Examples of contemplative orders are Carmelites, Poor Clares and Carthusians.The Carthusians were a monastic order founded by St Bruno, who in 1084 retired with six companions to the solitude of the valley of Chartreuse, near Grenoble. There they lived as hermits, wearing poor clothing and eating vegetables and coarse bread. After the order received Papal approbation in 1170, it expanded rapidly. It dates from 1180 in England, where the name Chartreuse Houses was corrupted into Charter Houses. The order is now conducted under the rules approved in 1682 by Pope Innocent XI. The Carthusians were divided into two classes, fathers and lay brothers. Each father occupied a separate cell, with a bed of straw, a pillow, a woollen coverlet, and the tools for manual labour or for writing. Monks left their cells only on festivals and on days of the funeral of a brother of the order. Three times a week they fasted on bread, water, and salt, and several long fasts were observed during the year. Meat was forbidden at all times and so was wine, unless it was mixed with water. Unbroken silence was enforced except on rare occasions. As Peter and Paul gave up their homes and families to follow Jesus, Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men, Matthew 4v19 Members of religious orders give up their homes and families to serve God in prayer and worship and in community service to fulfill their vocation.